From Lincoln's 2nd Inaugural Address

    Fondly do we hope,
           fervently do we pray,
         that this mighty scourge
               of war
           may speedily pass away.

           if God wills
             that it continue
               until all the wealth
                piled by
                       the bondsman's two hundred
                     and fifty years
                           of unrequited toil
               shall be sunk,
         and until
               every drop of blood
             drawn with the lash
           shall be
                 paid by another
                     drawn with the sword,
           as was
             said three thousand years ago,
         so still it
           must be said
         "the judgments of the Lord
           are true and righteous altogether."


    With malice toward none,
           with charity for all,
         with firmness in the right
               as God
           gives us
                  to see the right,
           let us strive on
              to finish the work
             we are in,
         to bind
               up the nation's wounds,
           to care for him
             who shall have borne
                   the battle and
                 for his widow
                       and his orphan,
         to do all
              which may achieve
                  and cherish a just and
                      lasting peace
                           among ourselves and
                               with all nations.

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