Introduction to Democracy in America, by Alexis de Tocqueville

    AMONG the novel objects
         that attracted my attention
              during my
           stay in the United States,
           nothing struck me more forcibly
               than the general equality
                   of condition
                 among the people.

    I readily
         discovered the prodigious influence
         that this primary fact exercises
               on the whole course
                   of society;
        it gives a peculiar direction
               to public opinion
                   and a peculiar tenor
               to the laws;
        it imparts new maxims
               to the governing authorities
                   and peculiar habits
               to the governed.


    I soon perceived
         that the influence
               of this fact
           extends far
                   beyond the political character
                       and the laws
                           of the country,
           and that it
           has no less effect
                   on civil society
                 than on the government;
        it creates opinions,
          gives birth to new sentiments,
         founds novel customs,
           and modifies
             whatever it does not produce.

    The more I
         advanced in the study
               of American society,
           the more I perceived
             that this equality of condition
               is the fundamental fact from
                  which all others seem
                      to be
                         derived and the central point
             at which all my
                    constantly terminated.

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